D.B. writes: At the OSL healing service tonight, August 23 [2022], Anders spoke about living with something wrong in your body and thinking that’s just the way it is. That’s not what Jesus wants for us. Jesus wants to heal us. That really spoke to my spirit. Five years ago I had a total knee replacement of my left knee. I’ve lived with pain and nerve damage for five years. I would think and would say to people — “Hey, it’s way better than it was before the surgery! I am grateful to have only this small level of pain and the improved […]
This is a series of seven short written reflections on Reconciliation from May 2022. The Community of Christ the Healer is committed to Reconciliation as one of the ways Jesus reveals Himself as our Saviour and Healer. “In Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the ministry of reconciliation” 2 Cor 5:19 Reconciliation brings Healing – Reflection 1/7 One of the most profound ailments of the soul, is alienation from someone we love or care about deeply – or from someone whose presence we need in our lives. Parents, […]
We have become unaccustomed – and uncomfortable – with the idea of Jesus bringing judgement. There are some old images that we do well to forget, but not the truth that Jesus is both Saviour and Judge. As Jesus enters Jerusalem we see how our compassionate judge laments as He announces the consequences of our sin: As [Jesus] came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, ‘If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. Indeed, the days will come upon you, […]
Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old; I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43 These words are read in many churches around the world today, and they are important to us in the Community of Christ the Healer. God is revealing something about His character in this prophetic picture: God does not remove the wilderness or the desert from the face of the earth – though they are harsh […]
How do we interpret the times we are in? I am not seeing a doomsday here but the sand on which we have built Western culture is being exposed as easily shifted. And exposing the false foundations of our society – in this case our pride and incessant appetite – is pretty much the definition of Biblical judgment. Come to think of it, relying on bilateral trade to keep the peace means we count on world leaders’ greed to be greater than their thirst for domination. Even if it’s been proven mostly correct for our lifetime it is a profoundly […]
Physical Healing – Throughout the Gospels we see how Jesus heals, restores and delivers everyone who come to Him – and some whom He seeks out. Most of the time, a major component of that healing was physical restoration. Jesus is the same today as He was then, and He heals our bodies now as He did then. Every time we meet, there is an opportunity to receive God’s healing for our body, soul and spirit, as God’s Holy Spirit leads us into the work of Jesus as the Father prepared for that day and moment. If you are in […]
Emotional Healing – Very often, we find ourselves reacting to situations in a way that we might later not fully understand. We might snap angrily at someone, or react desfensively in a situation, or feel in danger when there is no apparent cause. Often such disproportionate reactions come from past hurts or events – and Jesus is as eager to bring healing into this as He is to heal a broken bone or a torn muscle. Healing of our emotions is a process of inviting and recognising Jesus’ presence, and there is so much that we can learn about how […]
Our Fellowship Praying together, growing in trust and transparency with each other and delighting in God’s presence together are committed components of who we are and what we do. In this 5 minute talk, Anders shares about why we do this thing called “Community” – and why it’s important for the Kingdom of God. In time, we will share some of our members’ experiences reflections on this page. For now, we invite you to come and see for yourself at one of our Upcoming Events
Pain Free After 5 Years
D.B. writes: At the OSL healing service tonight, August 23 [2022], Anders spoke about living with something wrong in your body and thinking that’s just the way it is. That’s not what Jesus wants for us. Jesus wants to heal us. That really spoke to my spirit. Five years ago I had a total knee replacement of my left knee. I’ve lived with pain and nerve damage for five years. I would think and would say to people — “Hey, it’s way better than it was before the surgery! I am grateful to have only this small level of pain and the improved […]
Read More7 Reflections on Reconcilaition
This is a series of seven short written reflections on Reconciliation from May 2022. The Community of Christ the Healer is committed to Reconciliation as one of the ways Jesus reveals Himself as our Saviour and Healer. “In Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting to us the ministry of reconciliation” 2 Cor 5:19 Reconciliation brings Healing – Reflection 1/7 One of the most profound ailments of the soul, is alienation from someone we love or care about deeply – or from someone whose presence we need in our lives. Parents, […]
Read MoreReaping What we Sow
We have become unaccustomed – and uncomfortable – with the idea of Jesus bringing judgement. There are some old images that we do well to forget, but not the truth that Jesus is both Saviour and Judge. As Jesus enters Jerusalem we see how our compassionate judge laments as He announces the consequences of our sin: As [Jesus] came near and saw the city, he wept over it, saying, ‘If you, even you, had only recognized on this day the things that make for peace! But now they are hidden from your eyes. Indeed, the days will come upon you, […]
Read MoreThe easiest thing to forget is the most important
As we go into Holy Week, may we make Jesus’ prayer from Gethsemane our very breath “Not my will, but Yours, be done”.
Read More5th Sunday in Lent
Do not remember the former things, or consider the things of old; I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. – Isaiah 43 These words are read in many churches around the world today, and they are important to us in the Community of Christ the Healer. God is revealing something about His character in this prophetic picture: God does not remove the wilderness or the desert from the face of the earth – though they are harsh […]
Read MoreInterpreting the Times
How do we interpret the times we are in? I am not seeing a doomsday here but the sand on which we have built Western culture is being exposed as easily shifted. And exposing the false foundations of our society – in this case our pride and incessant appetite – is pretty much the definition of Biblical judgment. Come to think of it, relying on bilateral trade to keep the peace means we count on world leaders’ greed to be greater than their thirst for domination. Even if it’s been proven mostly correct for our lifetime it is a profoundly […]
Read MorePhysical Healing
Physical Healing – Throughout the Gospels we see how Jesus heals, restores and delivers everyone who come to Him – and some whom He seeks out. Most of the time, a major component of that healing was physical restoration. Jesus is the same today as He was then, and He heals our bodies now as He did then. Every time we meet, there is an opportunity to receive God’s healing for our body, soul and spirit, as God’s Holy Spirit leads us into the work of Jesus as the Father prepared for that day and moment. If you are in […]
Read MoreEmotional Healing
Emotional Healing – Very often, we find ourselves reacting to situations in a way that we might later not fully understand. We might snap angrily at someone, or react desfensively in a situation, or feel in danger when there is no apparent cause. Often such disproportionate reactions come from past hurts or events – and Jesus is as eager to bring healing into this as He is to heal a broken bone or a torn muscle. Healing of our emotions is a process of inviting and recognising Jesus’ presence, and there is so much that we can learn about how […]
Read MoreI love what you do – how can I help?
I love what you do – how can I help?
Read MoreOur Fellowship
Our Fellowship Praying together, growing in trust and transparency with each other and delighting in God’s presence together are committed components of who we are and what we do. In this 5 minute talk, Anders shares about why we do this thing called “Community” – and why it’s important for the Kingdom of God. In time, we will share some of our members’ experiences reflections on this page. For now, we invite you to come and see for yourself at one of our Upcoming Events
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